Our Books

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In the modern world, where material possessions often take precedence, people’s relationships tend to be compromised. Capt. Om Prakash emphasises that relationships generate love, and love is the fuel of life. Regardless of material gains such as significant savings, large houses, luxurious bungalows, expansive farmhouses, expensive cars, name, and fame, etc. If a person’s relationships are not good, they cannot live happily and cannot fully enjoy material wealth. Individuals facing issues in their relationships often live in stress and sadness. After health, a healthy and charming relationship becomes the second most important priority in life. When you enter into a relationship, whether through marriage or otherwise, both parties need to actively work towards fostering and enhancing a better relationship. This positive effort needs to be continuous. After marriage or when you enter a relationship, both sides have to work to build and enhance a better connection. By consistently working positively in the relationship, you will notice that, in just a couple of months, it will become ideal, full of love, and dedicated to each other. Such an amazing relationship is an essential ingredient of life, and every person has the right to transform their relationship in an incredible way. The entire concept, descriptions, techniques, and procedures are mentioned in the book.


Youth have possibility to change theirselves and the world. Youth are mines of possibility. Youth often possess fresh perspectives and innovative ideas that can lead to breakthroughs in various fields. Their creative thinking and willingness to challenge the status quo can spark new inventions, technologies, and solutions to complex problems. They’re often more willing to embrace new opportunities, take risks, and learn from failures, making them well-equipped to navigate the uncertainties of an ever-evolving world.
Many young people are driven by a sense of ambition and a desire to make a positive impact on the world. Their passion, determination, and hunger for success propel them to pursue their goals with vigor and enthusiasm. Youth have a remarkable capacity for learning and growth. They absorb knowledge quickly, adapt to new technologies with ease, and are often eager to acquire new skills and experiences that expand their horizons and potential.
This book will guide the youth to recognize their hidden potentials and achieve better version of theirselves.

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Mental and emotional health is often treated as separate entities, but they are deeply intertwined. This book aims to be your guide through the labyrinth of your inner world, helping you understand your emotions, nurture your mental well-being, and cultivate a life filled with resilience and joy.
This book is neither a medical manual nor a substitute for professional help. Its purpose is to be a companion on your journey towards cultivating a balanced and healthy mind.
It will explore various facets of mental and emotional well-being, offering insights, practical tools, and encouragement.


Health is a journey, if following one day healthy routine cannot possible to live healthy. A healthy routine has to be added to the daily life routine as possible to achieve robust health. To live healthy is not a difficult task. Only important alterations in our daily routines, meals and exercise are possible to achieve robust health. Health is the foundation of your life. Health is wealth. After a thousand people’s healthy lifestyle studies, we drafted this e-book “Creation of Good Health”. A healthy body is the foundation for a healthy life. It allows you to have the energy to do the things you love, fight off illness, and live a long and fulfilling life.